Drake Spreads the Wealth with 'God's Plan'

Kaitlin Walbright

When Drake’s label gave him an almost $1 million budget to create a video for his latest single, “God’s Plan”, he did the unexpected: he gave every cent away.

Throughout the video, we follow Drake as he surprises citizens of Miami with random acts of kindness and charity. He buys all customers in a convenience store anything they want, allowing shoppers to purchase not only what they can afford, but everything they need as well. Drake also gives a student at Miami University a $50,000 scholarship.

As the video plays, we see many people reduced to tears by Drake’s kindness. It is clear that those receiving the money are part of Miami’s struggling lower class and that they never in their lives expected help to come in this form. A group of children also find joy in the arrival of a new van for their daycare, something that will clearly open up a new world to them.

Drake did what most in his position never would. Through his actions in this video, it is clear that Drake loves much more than just his bed and his mom, and he’s not sorry.