My Way, Soon - A Love Letter from Greta Van Fleet to their "Peaceful Army"

Angel Evans
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October 8th, 2020 - 10:50pm

As I paced back and forth in my room, my phone chimed. 

A dear friend of mine notified me that Greta Van Fleet’s ‘My Way, Soon.’ had officially arrived. Within a matter of seconds, I placed my earbuds in my ears and hit play. As the spine-tingling intro began to fill up my senses, I shut my eyes. For four minutes and fifteen seconds, Greta Van Fleet made me feel like I was on the road again. Throughout the duration of the song, I had the biggest smile upon my face and I had goosebumps that traveled from head to toe. I said to myself, “this band has just struck gold.” The start of the new era exceeded every single one of my expectations. This brand new single is nothing like anything they’ve ever released before. After spending three memorable years on the road, they recorded a masterpiece that came directly from their hearts. Greta Van Fleet is getting ready to soar new heights and they are bringing their fanbase along with them. 

“I’ve seen many people

There are so many people

Some are much younger people

And some are so old

I’ve seen many places

There are so many places

And where are the people going

Will they choose the road.”

‘My Way, Soon’ is the anthem for all of the music lovin’ wanderlust souls. 

In my eyes, this song is a love letter from the band to the Peaceful Army. One thing I know for sure, there isn’t another fanbase like “The Peaceful Army.” This fanbase is truly one of a kind and has a heartfelt connection with the band.

Throughout the years, Greta Van Fleet has formed a deep-rooted and dedicated fanbase. A fanbase that without hesitation chooses the road. Wherever the wind blows Greta Van Fleet, the Peaceful Army follows. Traveling is a way of life for Greta, but it has also become a lifestyle for the Peaceful Army. Fans from across the country and all throughout the world will drop everything for them. The Peaceful Army possess souls that crave the road and are sincerely vagabonds at heart. They desire to be where the music is.

You want to know why? Greta Van Fleet carries an electrifying enchantment that you can’t discover anywhere else. If you ask anyone in the Peaceful Army, “why do you travel for them?" They will give you similar responses and have their own special reasons for doing so. Truth be told, it’s something you have to experience for yourself to understand. Every single night, it’s a celebration of love and revelry. It’s a musical love fest that leaves you feeling invincible and exuberant from start to finish. Where you find yourself standing next to people you’ve never met before and somehow feel connected on a spiritual level. Swaying back and forth with kindred spirits and belting out the words to your favorite songs is a gratifying feeling. 

John Denver said it best,

“Music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are, the form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, music proves: We are the same.”

Greta Van Fleet has an undying passion for the road and their fanbase. It’s evident that they care deeply about their fans and want to make a difference in this world. For years, the band has left many fans speechless by sending ‘surprise packages’ in the mail. Whether its concert tickets, handwritten song lyrics, or a picture of the band. Greta Van Fleet never fails to make their fanbase feel loved and on top of the world. ‘My Way, Soon’ is a reminder of how much the band adores the road. Just as much as the fans do. As the years go by, I can envision the Peaceful Army growing larger and the band making triumphant moves in the music world. Being able to grow with a band and being a part of something that’s bigger than yourself is such a blessing. 

Greta Van Fleet, you are my muse. I wouldn’t be writing this piece if it wasn’t for you. I wouldn’t be pursuing a degree in Music Business and Journalism if you wouldn’t have given me the courage to do so. As I’m listening to ‘My Way, Soon’ with tears in my eyes, I’m reminiscent of the time I’ve spent on the road following your music. The time I’ve spent traveling the country for you molded me as a young woman. I’m not the same person I was when I first found you in 2018. I was desperately searching for my purpose on this earth and didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.

You’ve given me a home and because of you. “I’ve found my freedom.”

To the brand new fans who are discovering Greta Van Fleet for the first time, welcome to the thrill ride of your life. Get ready to be filled with abundant joy. Your world is about to be rocked. 

To the fans who have been around for many years, here's to a brand new era that's going to bring us closer than ever before.

This is going to be a season in our lives that we will never forget. I cannot wait to sing, “I choose the road.” with every single one of you. May the Rock N’ Roll Revelry never end. 

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Listen to ‘My Way, Soon’ on our Rock My Soul playlist on Spotify.