Review: The Living Street live in New Kennsington, Pennsylvania

Laura Kane

The Christmas spirit was alive at the Voodoo brewing company in New Kensington Pennsylvania. Local band, The Living Street, welcomed friends and family in with warm hugs and awesome live music. Lead singer Nick Guckert is one of the sweetest people I have ever met and has the voice of an angel. He sang some of my favorite songs such as ‘Take It Easy’ by The Eagles and ‘Heart of Gold’ by Neil Young. Lead Guitarist Edward J. Angelo not only has beautiful hair but has mad guitar skills. Nick and Edward had an incredible stage presence as they made everyone feel at home. The positive energy they brought through their music radiated through everyone. 

The bar was decorated with beautiful artwork and instagram worthy aesthetics. My favorite part of the restaurant was the rugged phone booth and just the overall grungy look of the place. This place was perfect for The Living Street’s intimate performance as everyone had a special connection with Nick and Edward.  

 If you would like to check out The Living Street their music is available for your listening on spotify. I highly recommend supporting them and coming to one of their performances. Their genre is soft rock with a hint of folk and country. Their latest single, ‘Jealous Ghost’ sounds amazing live. Nick portrays the emotions of the song perfectly through his lyrics with his smooth yet powerful voice. Edward’s rhythms match the passionate sadness of the song with great detail. They are both two very talented young musicians and I am excited to go to many many more of their gigs in the future.